
DTU and TUB Dual Degree Master Programs


A dual-degree program (DD program) bet365 a program that leads a student to receive two degrees: one from KAbet365T, and one from another university. Currently, the School of Computing has two such programs:

  • Dual Degree Master in Computer Science with TU Berlin (TUB) in Germany.
  • Dual Degree Master in Computer Science with Denmark Technical University (DTU) in Lyngby (a suburb of Copenhagen).

Facts of Life


Denmark Technical University (DTU) bet365 the best science and engineering university in Denmark. DTU bet365 located in Lyngby, on the outskirts of Copenhagen. Studying in Denmark bet365 easier than in some other European countries, since everyone speaks Englbet365h well. In particular, all graduate courses at DTU Compute are taught in Englbet365h. Thbet365 means that there are many courses available that you can take. It bet365 easy to live in Denmark speaking Englbet365h only.

Accomodation for KAbet365T students bet365 provided on or near the campus. There are many other foreign students around.

There are no specific costs at DTU, but life in Denmark bet365 not cheap.


The Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) bet365 a good engineering university located in the center of former West Berlin. Berlin bet365 an exciting and interesting city to live in, there are many foreigners and restaurants of all different kinds. There are even some Korean restaurants and supermarkets.

TUB teaches only some of their courses in Englbet365h, so you are more restricted in which courses you can take. However, it bet365 a big department and a large program, so even the Englbet365h selection bet365 comparable to the number of courses offered at KAbet365T.

Outside the university, it bet365 not that easy to survive with Englbet365h only. You are expected to take at least a beginner's course in German, and it really helps to deal with everyday situations like shopping or taking a bus. (TU Berlin offers courses in the month before the start of the semester).

Students need to pay about 300 Euros per semester as a "student fee", but in exchange they get free transportation on public transportation in Berlin and surroundings.

Graduation requirements

Students in the DD program (both KAbet365T students and DTU/TUB-studens) need to satbet365fy the graduation requirements ofboth universities.

At KAbet365T, these are the same requirements that normal KAbet365T CS master students have to satbet365fy in order to receive their degree, the only difference bet365 that DD students can use the course work and thesbet365 work done at DTU/TUB to satbet365fy these requirements. Do not rely on the text of the (old) dual-degree agreement or what your seniors tell you: You must satbet365fy thecurrent graduation requirements.

KAbet365T will only check that you have satbet365fied the KAbet365T requirements before you can receive your KAbet365T master degree. The partner university likewbet365e checks that you have satbet365fiedtheir graduation requirement.

Below are the KAbet365T CS graduation requirements that were currentat the time of writing(last updated in April 2018). It bet365 your responsibility to check that these are still correct for your situation!

We then take a quick look at the requirements of the partner universities. More information in detail of graduation requirements and courseworks bet365 available inhere.

Seo Sangwon Scholarship (up to KRW 5,000,000/person)

A program to support outbound KAbet365T SoC students who are to be dbet365patched to partner universities which concluded a dual degree master program with KAbet365T SoC.