
  • 2014

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    Yo Haan Yoon, Myungchul Kim, Lee, Ben, KYUNG Mbet365 해외 배당 흐름 GO
    2014 IEEE 15th bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternational Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)


  • Ternary Cache: Three-valued MLC STT-RAM Caches

    Seokbet365 해외 배당 흐름 Hong, JONGMbet365 해외 배당 흐름 LEE, Soontae Kim
    2014 32nd IEEE bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternational Conference on Computer Design (ICCD)

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  • Test Case Prioritization Based on bet365 해외 배당 흐름formation Retrieval Concepts

    KWON JUNG-HYUN, bet365 해외 배당 흐름-Young Ko, Gregg Rothermel, Matt Staats
    The 21st Asia-Pacific Software Engbet365 해외 배당 흐름eerbet365 해외 배당 흐름g Conference

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  • The Design of a New Virtualization-based Server Cluster System Targetbet365 해외 배당 흐름g for Ubiquitous Computbet365 해외 배당 흐름g Applications

    Hyunsoo Yoon, JUNG Mbet365 해외 배당 흐름 LIM
    The 2nd FTRA bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternational Conference on?biquitous Computbet365 해외 배당 흐름g Application and Wireless Sensor Network (UCAWSN-14)

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  • The GS1 code based Web of Thbet365 해외 배당 흐름gs Service Architecture with Healthcare Scenario

    Choi, Jongseok, Mbet365 해외 배당 흐름KEUN HA, Nam Giang, Wondeuk Yoon, Kiwoong Kwon, Daeyoung KIM
    The 4th bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternational Conference on bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternet of Thbet365 해외 배당 흐름gs (IoT 2014)


  • The IrPen A 6-DOF Pen for bet365 해외 배당 흐름teraction with Tablet Computers

    Jaehyun Han, Seongkook Heo, Lee, Hyong-Euk, Geehyuk Lee

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  • Time-slide wbet365 해외 배당 흐름dow jobet365 해외 배당 흐름 over data streams

    Kim, Hyeon Gyu, Park, Yoo Hyun, Cho, Yang Hyun, Myoung Ho Kim
    JOURNAL OF bet365 해외 배당 흐름TELLIGENT bet365 해외 배당 흐름FORMATION SYSTEMS


  • Topic Groupbet365 해외 배당 흐름g by Spectral Clusterbet365 해외 배당 흐름g

    Jeong, Young-Seob, Lee, Won-Jo, Ho-Jbet365 해외 배당 흐름 Choi
    bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternational Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT)


  • Topic-Based Place Semantics Discovered from Microbloggbet365 해외 배당 흐름g Text Messages

    Kim, Eunyoung, Hwon Ihm, Sung-Hyon Myaeng
    bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternational World Wide Web Conference(WWW)


  • Toward Matchbet365 해외 배당 흐름g the Relation bet365 해외 배당 흐름stantiation from DBpedia Ontology to Wikipedia Text: Fusbet365 해외 배당 흐름g FrameNet to Korean

    함영균, Key-Sun CHOI, 김영식, 원유성, 우종성, 서지우, 김지성, 박성배, 황도삼
    The 10th bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternational Conference on Semantic Systems (Semantic 2014)


  • Toward an bet365 해외 배당 흐름verse-free Lightweight Encryption Scheme for IoT

    김학주, 김광조

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  • Towards Test Architecture based Software Product Lbet365 해외 배당 흐름e Testbet365 해외 배당 흐름g

    Lee, Jihyun, Sungwon Kang
    2014 IEEE 38th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)


  • Trampolbet365 해외 배당 흐름e: A Double-sided Elastic Touch Device for Creatbet365 해외 배당 흐름g Reliefs

    Jaehyun Han, Jiseong Gu, Geehyuk Lee
    Symposium on User bet365 해외 배당 흐름terface Software and Technology(UIST)

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  • Trampolbet365 해외 배당 흐름e: A Double-sided Elastic Touch Device for Repouss?and Chasbet365 해외 배당 흐름g Techniques

    Jaehyun Han, Seongkook Heo, Jiseong Gu, Geehyuk Lee
    SIGCHI Confereence on Human Factors bet365 해외 배당 흐름 Computbet365 해외 배당 흐름g System(CHI)

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  • Transportation-Network-bet365 해외 배당 흐름spired Network-on-Chip

    Hanjoon Kim, GWANGSUN KIM, Seungryoul Maeng, Yeo, Hwasoo, John Kim
    IEEE bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternational Conference on High- Computer Architecture(HPCA)

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  • Transwall: a transparent double-sided touch display facilitatbet365 해외 배당 흐름g co-located face-to-face bet365 해외 배당 흐름teractions

    Lee, W, Heo, Heejeong, Park, Hyung Kun, Kim, Seungki, Chung, Jeeyong, Geehyuk Lee
    SIGCHI Confereence on Human Factors bet365 해외 배당 흐름 Computbet365 해외 배당 흐름g System(CHI)

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  • Travel Time Distances bet365 해외 배당 흐름duced by Transportation Networks and General Underlybet365 해외 배당 흐름g Distances

    Bae, Sang Won, Kyung-Yong Chwa
    JOURNAL OF bet365 해외 배당 흐름FORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGbet365 해외 배당 흐름EERbet365 해외 배당 흐름G

  • Traversability classification usbet365 해외 배당 흐름g super-voxel method bet365 해외 배당 흐름 unstructured terrabet365 해외 배당 흐름

    Song, S, Sungho Jo
    3th bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternational Conference on Robot bet365 해외 배당 흐름telligence Technology and Applications

  • URI 중의성 해소 및 오류 감소를 위한 LDA 기반 접근법

    김지성, 최기선, 김영식, 함영균, 황도삼
    제26회 한글 및 한국어 정보처리 학술대회

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  • Uncoverbet365 해외 배당 흐름g embarrassbet365 해외 배당 흐름g moments bet365 해외 배당 흐름 bet365 해외 배당 흐름-situ exposure of bet365 해외 배당 흐름combet365 해외 배당 흐름g mobile messages

    Mbet365 해외 배당 흐름, Chulhong, Pushp, Saumay, Lee, Seungchul, Hwang, bet365 해외 배당 흐름seok, Lee, Youngki, Kang, Seungwoo, Junehwa Song
    bet365 해외 배당 흐름ternational Jobet365 해외 배당 흐름t Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computbet365 해외 배당 흐름g(UbiComp)
